The Most Epic Adventures for Dogs.

Portland, Oregon Est. 2018

We offer the most incredible services so that your dog can have the best, most exciting and meaningful life.

“This is the best thing I've ever done for my dog.”

-Amanda C.K.

The industry’s trailblazer.

Featuring hiking, dirt bike running, kayak swimming, snowshoeing, and more, there’s nothing like WPA. Did you know adventures for dogs could be this incredible?


WPA is the exclusive multi-sport adventure club for dogs in Portland, Oregon.

Our Services

  • Adventure Club

    Dogs enjoy at least one multi-sport wilderness adventure day each week with their pack of best fur friends. Swimming with a kayak and running with an electric dirt bike are just two of the many activities they enjoy. Portland, OR.

    Wilder Pack: 8-16 mi. per day

    Raven’s Pack: 3-5 mi. per day

  • Boarding

    Imagine going on vacation and leaving your dog at their home away from home with someone who treats them like family. All Wild Pups go on every adventure each week during their boarding stay. Available for all Club Members.

    VanLifePup Nomadic Road Trips are also offered at special times throughout the year.

  • PupScouts Academy

    PupScouts Academy is a 3-month intensive training program that will take your dog from a goof ball to a confident adventure partner. Toby does all the work for you.

    This pack meets twice a week for wildernes adventure trips. Dogs learn a variety of skills, commands, and behaviors applicable to all of life’s adventures with you.

  • Online Learning

    Wild Pup’s secrets become your greatest tools for resolving behavioral problems that detract from your quality of life.

    Understand your dog, create a closer connection, and feel empowered with the tools to make you confident both on and off leash together.

    Enjoy all of life’s adventures with your dog.

  • Video Analysis

    Life together can be frustrating and confusing when you don’t understand your dog.

    As a skilled dog communication expert, Toby can help translate what your dog is feeling, thinking, and why they are behaving the way they are.

    Send in video for analysis, get helpful feedback, and resolve the issues.

It’s adventure time

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